Berna Kabadayi

I am a Ph.D. student (2022-) at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, jointly supervised by Justus Thies and Gerard Pons-Moll.

I obtained my master's degree from the Technical University of Munich, where I was supervised by Angela Dai. I'm interested in computer graphics, 3D reconstruction and digital humans.

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GAN-Avatar: Controllable Personalized GAN-based Human Head Avatar
Berna Kabadayi, Wojciech Zielonka, Bharat Lal Bhatnagar, Gerard Pons-Moll, Justus Thies
International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), 2024
project page / video / arXiv

A person-specific animatable avatars from images without assuming access to precise facial expression tracking. We leverage a 3D-aware generative model and control it using 3DMM.

360° Volumetric Portrait Avatar
Jalees Nehvi, Berna Kabadayi, Julien Valentin, Justus Thies
arXiv, 2023
project page / video / arXiv

Reconstructing 360° photo-realistic portrait avatars of human subjects solely based on monocular video inputs.

Learning to Reconstruct 3D Objects by Part-based Template Deformation
Berna Kabadayi, Advisor: Angela Dai
Msc Thesis, 2021

A learning-based method that reconstructs the 3D objects by part-based template deformation. Instead of retrieving the exact CAD model for a partial scan object, we first retrieve the most geometrically similar template and then employing a bounding box regression to capture the object’s scale and translation, followed by a part-based deformation module.


Cute Isometric Kitchen - Blender , 2023
Blendfile / Youtube

Tutorial by art by tran

Donut - Blender , 2023
Blendfile / Youtube

Tutorial by Blender Guru


Student Teaching Assistant, Intro to Deep Learning (IN2346), Spring 2021
MIT Summer Geometry Initiative (2021 Fellow, 2022, 2023 Mentor)

Adapted from Jon Barron's awesome website.